MiniCart is a built in small cart that allows you to display the number of items and the total amount of an order on any page you want or anywhere on your site.
MiniCart makes it possible to skip the cart view after a customer has added an item to the cart. Set the skip cart feature in the "General Settings" > "Shop Settings" > "Shopping Cart".
If needed you can customize the layout of MiniCart by modifying the HTML template files located at /bakery/templates/mini_cart/.
There are 2 ways to display MiniCart on your site:
- The ModBakeryMiniCart droplet which you can place almost anywhere in your frontend template, a Bakery template or even a WYSIWYG section.
- Else just include the file mini_cart.php in your frontend template code or in a code section after the Bakery module section using the code below:
if (file_exists(WB_PATH.'/modules/bakery/mini_cart.php')) {
} ?>
To have MiniCart display the current cart values simultaneously with your shop cart, make sure MiniCart is included after printing the Bakery content. If not, MiniCart will drag one step behind.
(This does not affect the droplet ModBakeryMiniCart.)
Bakery cart and Bakery summary page show shipping per item of one item only and it is not calculated in the subtotal. Nevertheless it is calculated correctly in the shipping total of all ordered items.
To display the shipping subtotal of an ordered item, modify the view_cart.php and view_summary.php files following the instructions in step 1 to 3:
1. Search the view_cart.php file for the code line
$total = $items[$i]['quantity'] * $items[$i]['price'];
and replace it by
$total = $items[$i]['quantity'] * ($items[$i]['price'] + $items[$i]['shipping']);
2. Search the view_summary.php file for the code line
$item_total = $items[$i]['quantity'] * $items[$i]['price'];
and replace it by
$item_total = $items[$i]['quantity'] * ($items[$i]['price'] + $items[$i]['shipping']);
3. Search the view_summary.php file again for the code line
$shipping = $shipping + $item_shipping_subtotal;
and comment it
// $shipping = $shipping + $item_shipping_subtotal;
Do you need to modify Bakery text? For instance you want to use Post Code instead of ZIP ?
Modify all language strings in the appropriate language file /modules/bakery/languages/XX.php where XX represents the language code (e.g. EN = English).
Look for the var
and change it to
$MOD_BAKERY['TXT_CUST_ZIP'] = 'Post Code';
The Bakery shop navigation makes use of submit buttons.
You can style your buttons using CSS background images or other css styles. There is a CSS class assigned to every type of Bakery navigation button, e.g. .mod_bakery_bt_cart_f, .mod_bakery_bt_add_f. Alternatively you can use image buttons <input type="image" … /> as well.
Make sure you have set a not empty value attribute:
<input type="image" src="http://www.yourwebsite/your_directory/your_image.img "
name="view_cart" value="[VIEW_CART]" alt="[VIEW_CART]"
class="mod_bakery_bt_cart_f" />
English US, English GB, German, Dutch, French, Italian, Czech and Russian localization are included in the Bakery package by default.
English GB must be invoked manually by changing the filename /languages/EN-GB.php to /languages/EN.php.
For logged in customers Bakery tries to retrieve their address data of a previous order to prepopulat the address fields.
By default Bakeries customer address form validation only accepts the characters of the latin charset. However you can extend it to fit your needs.
Add the $MOD_BAKERY['ADD_CHARSET'] variable to your language file and set the appropriate charset. It must match the localization language. Currently available values are Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew or Arabic:
// Besides of latin define additional charset to be accepted by the customer address form validation
// The charset must match the localization language
$MOD_BAKERY['ADD_CHARSET'] = 'Cyrillic';
To make the phone number an optional field, apply the changes described here.
You will find an English, German and Dutch version at /modules/bakery/languages/countries/. Bakery will include the country file automatically depending on the language.
Nevertheless you can modify the country list to fit your needs by deleting lines or changing the lines order. Keep in mind that country codes and country names must correspond!
In the Bakery general settings you can select a shop state if a state file is available for your shop country at /modules/bakery/languages/states/.
To fit your needs you can create a new state file for your country or modify a copy of an existing state file by editing, deleting lines or changing the lines order. Keep in mind that state codes and states must correspond!
The name of the file must correspond to the country code, e.g. for United States of America set the file name to US.php. Bakery will include the state file automatically depending on the country.
WBCE CMS and WebsiteBaker have a built-in, enhanced search function that features a direct link from the search result page to the matching Bakery item, displays an excerpt, search word highlighting and more...